Active Citizenship into the actual European context. Connections with European networks
  European Union
  Oradea city, Romania (the Conference took place in Leuven city, Belgium)
  1 September 2003 – 15 October 2003
The project goal was to enforce the operational capacities of Ruhama Foundation, member of the romanian civil society, through facilitating to its team to participate to European Conference CONNECTIONS and adhering, with this opportunnity, at european non-guvernmental and non-profit organisations network such as Active Democratic Citizenship Network of ESREA.

Direct beneficiaries of this project are the 5 representatives of Ruhama Foundation which participated at the European Conference ”CONNECTIONS. Active Citizenship and Multiple Identities”.

Indirect beneficiaries are the colleagues from local NGOs and LPA representatives within we disseminate the new information revealed at the Conference, but the beneficiaries of the social programmes developed in Bihor county too.

The main activities implied the participation of Ruhama Foundation team to the European Conference CONNECTIONS. Active Citizenship and Multiple Identities, in Belgium. It involved the adduction and publication of written materials, the adhesion of Ruhama Foundation to ESREA and other international networks participants and dissemination of the results comprised in Report within the meetings of NGO and LPA representatives.

      Necessities and Compulsion  

The necessity to develop the organisation to respond proffesionally and according to the european quality standards to the continuously changing needs of the beneficiaries of our social service activities, that Ruhama Foundation develops in Bihor County.

The necessity of knowledgeability, assimilation and practicing the european orientation concerning social policies and the methods of good practice in this area.

The necessity to interact and create new contacts with non-guvernmental organisations and organisational networks in the field of social services, that would give us a simile concerning the quality and the standards in social services area.
      Target groups  

Direct beneficiaries of this project are the 5 representatives of Ruhama Foundation which will participate at the European Conference ”CONNECTIONS. Active Citizenship and Multiple Identities”.

Indirect beneficiaries are the colleagues from local NGOs and LPA representatives within we disseminate the new information revealed at the Conference, but the beneficiaries of the social programmes developed in Bihor county too.

      Conference Details  

Conference Centre: Huis van Chievres, Groot Begijnhof, Leuven

Conference Coordinators: prof. dr. Danny Wildemeersch, dr. Veerle Stroobants, prof. dr. Agnieska Bron, prof. dr. Maria Bouverne - De Bie

Conference Secretary: Mr. Marc Vlecken, Department of Education of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Vesaliusstraat 2, B-3000 Leuven, tel., fax., e-mail: marc.vlecken@ped.kuleuven.ac.be

Web addresses : www.psy.kuleuven.ac.be/csp_cgp/Connections/new_page_2.htm, www.esrea.org